Mounjaro Contracts

If you are a lawyer who is currently taking up Mounjaro gastroparesis cases, Atraxia Media will help you secure the perfect clients.

People who developed stomach paralysis, also known as gastroparesis, due to taking the diabetes drug Mounjaro have begun seeking financial compensation. If your law firm is looking for these clients, our team of professionals can efficiently help you secure the best cases that meet your specific eligibility criteria. Atraxia Media can also help your law firm with the legal marketing campaign, which will substantially increase the visibility of your business and eventually attract more clients who meet your requirements. For quality marketing and advertising, we encourage you to contact our expert team.

Current signed contract costs: ***subject to change

Our Eligibility & Screening Criteria in Mounjaro Cases

We have vast experience in delivering contracts to legal clients based on their specific criteria. Our team has the necessary resources and knowledge to help you launch your Mounjaro gastroparesis campaign and have signed contracts delivered to your law firm. Atraxia Media is ready to implement a retaining campaign that will involve the following:

  • Pre-screening. Since we are well aware that not everyone who reaches out to you is eligible to file a Mounjaro claim and that your time is limited, we will carefully take care of the pre-screening process to clearly determine which clients are a good fit for your law firm. Our team of professionals will screen each prospective client to establish whether they meet your requirements.
  • Screening each case. We will design straightforward inquiries to get to the core of a prospective client's situation, which will help us determine whether their case is suitable for your law firm. Our main goal is to differentiate between eligible and ineligible clients.
  • Following up with potential Mounjaro clients. Our resourceful team will create a follow-up schedule to keep the intake process effective. This step aims to make sure that each potential client is still interested in seeking legal action and to provide answers to their questions.
  • Delivering signed contracts to your law firm. After thoroughly assessing the case of every individual and ensuring they meet your eligibility requirements, we will start delivering signed Mounjaro contracts to your law firm. As a lawyer, you can rest assured that you will receive contracts regularly from Atraxia Media.
  • Connecting you with a greater volume of prospective Mounjaro claimants. Our team of experts will help your law firm thrive by increasing the number of Mounjaro cases you take up. Having more eligible clients will also increase your law firm's visibility and revenue.
  • Running in-house marketing strategies that generate cases. As leads come in from potential Mounjaro claimants, they are routed to our intake department, where they are selected according to your law firm's requirements. This makes our work more efficient, resulting in you obtaining more signed contracts and the best clients possible.
  • Signing potential Mounjaro claimants exclusively to your law firm. Once we are positive a client is perfect for your law firm, we will facilitate the connection between you and the individual so that you can begin working on their case. By working with our skilled team, you should not worry about your Mounjaro client influx, as we will make sure you will receive enough cases.

People who meet the criteria below may be eligible to file a Mounjaro gastroparesis claim:

  • they must have not received a gastroparesis diagnosis before taking the medication
  • they must have taken Mounjaro as prescribed by their doctor
  • they must have developed gastroparesis as a result of using the diabetes drug

If your law firm is seeking a marketing partner to devise a strong and effective campaign to attract Mounjaro clients, Atraxia Media is the ideal company for you. Our team has over two decades of experience in marketing and advertising for legal clients, having assisted numerous law firms with outstanding results, so we have the necessary knowledge and resources to help you. We provide cost-effective, transparent strategies meant to find the perfect Mounjaro claimants for you.

Mounjaro Facts & History

Also known as tirzepatide, Mounjaro is a prescription drug for people with type 2 diabetes used together with exercise and diet to improve blood sugar. It is administered through subcutaneous injection. However, some people also use the medication for weight loss. By stimulating the release of hormones such as insulin and glucagon, Mounjaro helps reduce hunger, decrease food intake, and promote feelings of fullness. The medication was approved by the FDA to improve blood sugar management in adults with type 2 diabetes in 2022.

However, it has recently been found that taking Mounjaro can result in stomach paralysis, medically known as gastroparesis, a very serious disorder. Gastroparesis slows or stops the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine. While diabetes is the most common underlying cause of gastroparesis, researchers discovered that using the drug can also cause the condition. In rare cases, the stomach can take too long to empty out, leading to gastroparesis. This is the reason why people across the country began filing lawsuits against Eli Lilly and Company, the manufacturer of Mounjaro.

These are some of the symptoms of gastroparesis:

  • feeling full after eating just a few bites
  • abdominal pain and bloating
  • vomiting undigested food eaten a few hours earlier
  • nausea and vomiting
  • changes in blood sugar levels
  • acid reflux

Gastroparesis is a dangerous condition, as it can raise the risk of malnutrition, dehydration, bacterial infections, and difficulty with blood sugar management. The treatment of gastroparesis varies, but it can include changing eating habits to have smaller meals in a day, working to manage blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes, and taking medications to help the muscles in your stomach work better. In extreme cases, a patient may need a feeding tube or a surgical opening known as a gastronomy to ensure adequate nutrition and to relieve pressure.




August: On August 2, 2023, a lawsuit was filed against Eli Lilly and Company by a 44-year-old woman from Louisiana. Jaclyn Bjorklund began using the medication in July of the same year after having been on Ozempic, another diabetes drug that was found to cause gastroparesis. She developed stomach paralysis and filed a lawsuit for failure to warn of the risk of severe gastrointestinal events that could be caused by taking the medications. "As a result of using Defendants' Ozempic and Mounjaro, Plaintiff was caused to suffer from severe gastrointestinal events, and as a result sustained severe and permanent personal injuries, pain, suffering, and emotional distress, and incurred medical expenses," the lawsuit alleges.

Atraxia Media is a marketing company that devises campaigns to attract and retain clients for legal clients. Our team of professionals is committed to offering top-notch services to your law firm so that you can focus on other important aspects while we find the perfect Mounjaro claimants for you. We deliver marketing services to build solid relationships with our legal clients. If you want to increase your efficiency, Atraxia Media is the ideal company for you. Our team approaches every law firm with professionalism, honesty, and transparency. We can discover the best Mounjaro claimants for you according to your specific eligibility requirements.